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Vital Statistics - Past Sample Content
Below are just a few examples from our extensive catalog of Vital Statistics content. Nechtain's subscription clients enjoy access to Vital Statistics℠ along with our other offerings, including Segais℠ and Supertanker Trends®. For a description of Nechtain's consulting and subscription-based offerings, please visit Services.  For additional information, please Contact us.
Number of Noncash Payments in the US, 2003 and 20062009Vol 1Issue 6
World Life and Nonlife Insurance Premiums, 2005-20072008Vol 9Issue 11
Non-Domestic Assets of Selected European Banks, 1997-20062008Vol 3Issue 11
Largest Listed Stock Exchanges, by Market Capitalization, Early 20082008Vol 2Issue 11
Market Shares of Title Insurers in the US, 20052008Vol 2Issue 6
Leading Prime Brokers to European Hedge Funds, 20072008Vol 2Issue 5
Age Distribution of US Life Settlement Clients, 20072007Vol 9Issue 6
Diminishing Role of US Banks in Lending to Consumers, 1973-20072007Vol 9Issue 5
Structured Finance and Subprime Exposure of Major Insurers, mid-20072007Vol 9Issue 3
Subprime Mortgages Underwritten in the US, 20062007Vol 9Issue 2
Fixed Income Asset Writedowns by Major Institutions, Q3 20072007Vol 9Issue 1
Consumer Banking and Investments in Italy and the EU15, 20032005Vol 6Issue 1
Debit and Credit Cards in Circulation in the UK, 1990-2006P2005Vol 3Issue 8
Checks As Percent of Cashless Payment Volumes in France, 1997-2006P2005Vol 2Issue 2
Foreign-Exchange Turnover by Currency Pair, April 20042005Vol 1Issue 9
Western Union's Transfers, Globally, 20032005Vol 1Issue 7
Breakdown of Consumer In-Store Payments in the US, 1999-20032004Vol 10Issue 7
Check Processing Fees to Consumers in Australia, 1998-20032004Vol 8Issue 7
Household Wealth in the US, 19982002Vol 10Issue 17
Leading European Banks: Projected IT Spending, 2003P2002Vol 9Issue 10
Profitability of Leading European and US Banks, 20012002Vol 9Issue 3
Leading Asset Managers: Projected IT Spending, 2003P2002Vol 9Issue 1