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Vital Statistics is our electronic catalog of exclusive research, in the form of charts, data tables and insightful analysis on specific topics. Vital Statistics content is accessible either through searches conducted within Segais or by browsing through past volumes within the catalog.
A thematic device utilized to illuminate some of the most critical industry trends is that of the "Supertanker Trend." Nechtain’s Supertanker Trends catalog consists of charts, analyses and supporting data tables on what we believe to be the most important trends shaping financial services.

Will Banks Drive Checks to Extinction?

With declining use of the check, US banks are motivated to accelerate its demise as a payment instrument

Technology, Mergers and Stock Exchanges

Information technology creates the potential for Latin America's largest stock exchange to become a dominant world player

Life Insurance, Anyone?

Despite the global financial crisis, demand for life insurance products will remain strong in developing markets