Why Use Nechtain - Overview

Financial institutions, technology suppliers, professional services firms and many other types of clients use Nechtain's consulting and subscription-based services in support of a variety of purposes, including:-

  • Obtaining objective, third-party analysis from a respected industry specialist;
  • Seeking validation of business assumptions on new product launch;
  • Exploring the potential of entering a new geographic market;
  • Evaluating a potential acquisition;
  • Keeping abreast of critical industry trends and developments;
  • Understanding the competitive landscape;
  • Aligning strategy and positioning with industry and market trends;
  • Staying ahead of the competition in market intelligence;
  • Greatly reducing the time needed and difficulty in obtaining particular data points of interest;
  • Educating new hires on industry trends by using Nechtain's off-the-shelf analyses;
  • Lowering in-house market research costs by outsourcing to specialists;
  • Making faster and better informed business decisions.

Above all, clients know they can depend on Nechtain for:-

Quality, Speed, Lower Cost.A source of sustainable competitive advantage to Nechtain is our ownership of proprietary databases and search tools that enable quick and easy access to industry data. Combined with our industry knowledge, our well established analytical skills and our extensive knowledge of data sources, we have the ability to deliver quality analysis to our clients faster and less expensively than most.

Unbiased Analysis. Nechtain, LLC is privately-held and no industry institution or vendor has an ownership interest in Nechtain. Also, we have no exclusive relationship with any software, hardware, or services providers. Nechtain's independence ensures that the analyses it performs and views it holds are unbiased.